Submission Guidelines
Original contributions from researchers describing their novel, unpublished, research, which is not currently under review by another conference or journal and addressing state-of-the-art research, are invited to share their work in all areas of ideas Conference and its applications but not limited to the conference tracks.
Paper review criteria
The assessment of your paper will be based on the following criteria:
1. Originality of ideas/approach and level of innovativeness
- Are the ideas advanced in the paper novelty?
- If conceptual, does the paper expand our understanding of a new domain?
- Does the paper/extended introduce new constructs or concepts that broaden our understanding?
2. Relevance for interdisciplinarity in innovation in design, entrepreneurship, and sustainable systems
- Does the paper address interdisciplinary theoretical or empirical problem?
- Does the paper connect to another disciplinary field?
- Collaborative papers are encouraged, e.g., technical and economics.
3. Quality of theoretical argument
- Does the paper present clearly the main propositions and/or hypotheses that will be discussed and unfold in the full paper?
- Does the paper present a clear, precise, and complete review of relevant literature?
- Does the theoretical argument engage the conceptual/ empirical investigation appropriately?
- Does the paper involve the relevant literature?
4. Quality of empirical or conceptual design
If the paper is EMPIRICAL
, please consider the following:
- Does the paper present clearly the main propositions and/or hypotheses that will be discussed and unfold in the full paper?
- Are the methods used to collect and analyse data appropriate to the research questions asked?
- Are the data collection and analysis methods clearly explained and without major flaws?
If the paper is CONCEPTUAL
, please consider the following:
- Do(es) the author(s) provide a clear argument for why it is important to discuss, define, and/or question specific concepts, models, and/or ideas?
5. Quality of development and support for the propositions/hypotheses
If the paper is EMPIRICAL
, please consider the following:
- Does the paper establish a clear link between theory and evidence?
- Does the author conclude beyond what the data support?
If the paper is CONCEPTUAL
, please consider the following:
- Does the paper develop adequate and innovative propositions to clarify, define, and question core concepts in the field and/or to develop a new theory or perspective?
Some useful guidelines to prepare your manuscript
Springer Policy and Procedures on Plagiarism
Authors are required to adhere to the Springer Policy and Procedures on Plagiarism available at
Publication Policy
- We do not claim or guarantee that any papers will be published by any specific publisher or indexed. Publishers or organizations can decline to publish the conference paper that do not meet their quality standards.
- We do not claim or guarantee that any papers will be indexed in any database. Indexing services evaluate conference papers and independently determine what they will index.
Full paper preparation
- The paper should be formatted in the template provided (Word template) and should be within 10 pages.
- If your paper extends beyond 10 pages - including abstract and references - you need to pay the extra charges for the publication.
- Templates and detailed author guidelines about the Springer Nature template can be found at:
- Kindly do not include author details or affiliations in your full paper, as the papers are planned to be blind reviewed. You can there leave author details section blank (i.e. 'as is' in the paper template).
- Please ensure that the size of the file does not exceed 20 MB.
- Please save your paper in PDF format only Kindly avoid using long file names. Example: Full_Paper.PDF
Full paper submission
- Create your Easychair account
- Login into your account with your username and password.
- Enter as an author and submit the Full Paper.
Paper review process
Please note that all submitted papers will be evaluated by double blinded peer review process before a decision is taken.
Camera ready
After getting the notification that you paper has been accepted for ideas conference, you should follow these instructions:
We require five documents from you to successfully complete the submission phase, which are:
1) Your complete revised paper including figures and tables, in docx format. The paper should be formatted according to Springer Nature Template, and should be strictly within 10 formatted pages.
2) Kindly note that the revised paper should have the following information.
- a. Title
- b. Authors’ full name, current affiliation, ORCID for all authors, email id for corresponding author
- c. Abstract
- d. Keywords
- e. Main content
- f. References
If your paper extends beyond 10 pages, you need to pay extra charges for the publication.
3) A single zip file containing all figures (JPEG image, file extensions jpeg, jpg). Image quality should be of at least 300 dpi.
4) A scanned copy of your signed Springer Nature copyright form in PDF format.
5) A ‘Response to Reviewers’ file in PDF format. In this document, you should specify your response to each comment from the reviewers and indicate where and how the paper has been changed to take the comment into account. Here you can find some explanations on how to respond to reviewrs.
6) A document in docx format, containing a single sentence of no more than 30 words stating the most significant findings from your paper. This line will be added within a document where a single line from each accepted paper will be brought together to provide a summary of the most significant findings from the conference.
Full paper acceptance
Major plagiarism issues (including self-plagiarism) will lead to desk rejection of the submitted paper.
The detailed instructions to upload the above 5 documents:
1) Login to your Easychair account.
2) In the Author Console, click on ‘view’ button across your Paper ID.
3) In the “Add or update files” section, you will already have your original submission file in this window. Please DO NOT remove your original submission.
Upload the five files listed above, by clicking on ‘Choose file’.
4) Click on ‘Submit’ to complete the submission. Apart from the original submission (which you should not remove or update), the tool allows upload of only 5 documents as specified above. Please ensure that the size of ALL files taken together does not exceed 100 MB.
In case you edit the title, abstract or keywords in the revised paper, kindly update the same on Easychair information section.
Copyright Form
For Download Copyright Form Click here
Instructions to fill up the copyright form
Step 1. Provide the following information in the copyright form:
- On page no. 1, kindly provide names & addresses of all authors (where possible with ORCID ID) (Remove the shaded text)
- On page no. 1, kindly provide name of the Corresponding Author (Remove the shaded text)
- On page no. 2, in section 2.1, kindly provide the title of the contribution (paper title) (Remove the shaded text)
- On page no. 3, in section 6.1.1, kindly provide the delivery date as 30 September 2022 (Remove the shaded text)
- On page no. 8, kindly provide the name of the corresponding author (only one author) (Remove the shaded text)
Step 2. Print the document.
Step 3. Provide unambiguous signature of the corresponding author along with the date.
Step 4. Scan all the pages of the document and upload to easychair in PDF format only.